
Προβολή αναρτήσεων από Μάρτιος, 2018

Aerial (drone) video - F/B Nissos Chios sailing from Piraeus !

Drone video of the impressive F/B Nissos Chios during on of her departures from the port of Piraeus !

Aerial (drone) video - F/B Blue Star 2 sailing from Piraeus port

Drone video of the impressive F/B Blue Star 2 during a morning departure from the port of Piraeus, Greece !

Aerial (drone) video - F/B Asterion arriving at Piraeus !

F/B Asterion, filmed from air during her arrival at Piraeus port, for maintainance purposes.

Aerial (drone) video - Άφιξη και μανούβρα του Blue Star Patmos στον Πειραιά μετά την επισκευή του

Drone video από την άφιξη του Blue Star Patmos στο λιμάνι του Πειραιά, μετά την ολοκλήρωση του δοκιμαστικού πλου που πραγματοποίησε έπειτα από την πολύμηνη επισκευή του στα ναυπηγεία Ελευσίνας. Το πλοίο είχε προσαράξει σε ξέρα στην Ίο, στις 30 Αυγούστου του 2017

Aerial (drone) video - Blue Star naxos night departure from Piraeus

Αναχώρηση του Blue Star Naxos ένα χειμωνιάτικο δειλινό για Κυκλάδες μαζί με το Άγιος Νεκτάριος.

Aerial (drone) video - F/B Ionis sailing from Piraeus

Drone video του ελληνικής ναυπηγήσεως Ιονίς σε μια αναχώρησή του με λιακάδα και πολύ καλό καιρό από το λιμάνι του Πειραιά για το νέο του δρομολόγιο

Aerial (drone) video - Ro/RO Talos arriving at Piraeus

Εναέρια πλάνα του ακούραστου Φ/Γ-Ο/Γ Τάλως, της Creta Cargo Lines κατά τη διάρκεια μιας άφιξή του στο λιμάνι του Πειραιά.

Aerial (drone) video - F/B Makedonia run aground at Salamina

Εναέριες εικόνες από το εγκαταλελειμένο πλοίο "Μακεδονία" της SAOS Ferries το οποίο παρασύρθηκε από τον ισχυρό νοτιά και προσάραξε στις ακτές της Σαλαμίνας

Blue Star Delos - Νυχτερινή άφιξη και μανούβρα στον Πειραιά

Άφιξη και μανούβρα του Blue Star Delos στο λιμάνι του Πειραιά ένα βράδυ του καλοκαιριού. Λήψη από το πλωριό μπαλκόνι του Νήσος Σάμος

Καρέ-καρέ η ανέλκυση του Αγία Ζώνη ΙΙ - Agia Zoni II salvage timelapse

Timelapse video από την επιχείρηση ανέλκυσης του δεξαμενόπλοιου Αγία Ζώνη ΙΙ που βυθίστηκε έξω από τον Πειραιά τον περασμένο Σεπτέμβριο

Cosco Shipping Taurus - Container loading timelapse !

Τimelapse video από τη διαδικασία φόρτωσης του γιγαντιαίου Cosco Shipping Taurus, του μεγαλύτερου container ship που έχει δέσει ποτέ στον Πειραιά

Rigel III: Αναχώρηση από το Πέραμα

Αναχώρηση του εντυπωσιακού Rigel III από το Πέραμα μετά την ολοκλήρωση του δεξαμενισμού του, περνώντας πίσω από το γιγάντιο Cosco Shipping Taurus !

Aerial (drone) video - Psara Glory at Piraeus port

Drone video του μικρού πλοίου Ψαρά Glory καθώς πήγαινε ρυμουλκούμενο από το λιμάνι του Πειραιά στο Πέραμα.

Aerial (drone) video - Fast Ferries Andros leaving Piraeus

Drone video of F/B Fast Ferries Andros during a morning departure from the port of Piraeus, to Syros, Tinos and Mykonos.

MSC Adriana: Container unloading timelapse

Timelapse video της διαδικασίας εκφόρτωσης containers από το MSC Adriana.

Champion Jet 2: Άφιξη με βοριά 6bf στο λιμάνι της Μυκόνου


Aerial (drone) video - Champion Jet 1 arriving at Piraeus !

Drone video of the impressive catamaran, Champion Jet 1 (Seajets) during a summer arrival at the port of Piraeus.

Superferry ΙΙ: Άφιξη στη Μύκονο δίπλα από το Majestic Princess

Άφιξη του θρυλικού Superferry II στο νέο λιμάνι της Μυκόνου όπου βρισκόταν ήδη αραγμένο το γιγαντιαίο κρουαζιερόπλοιο Majestic Princess

Superferry II: Αναχώρηση με βοριά από το λιμάνι της Μυκόνου !

Αναχώρηση του θρυλικού πλέον Superferry II με πλοίαρχο τον καπετάν Θανάση Χαλά από το λιμάνι της Μυκόνου για την Τήνο με βοριαδάκι

Blue Star Naxos - Bιράρισμα και αναχώρηση από Μύκονο

Καλοκαιρινή αναχώρηση του Blue Star Naxos από τη Μύκονο με βοριαδάκι

Aerial (drone) video: Superferry leaving Mykonos !

To F/B Superferry, της Golden Star Ferries, τραβηγμένο από αέρος σε μια καλοκαιρινή του αναχώρηση από το νέο λιμάνι της Μυκόνου.

Athens Flying Week 2017: Sikorsky S70 Aegean Hawk !

Επίδειξη ελικτικών ικανοτήτων και απόβαση ομάδας ειδικών δυνάμεων από ελικόπτερο S70 Aegean Hawk του Πολεμικού Ναυτικού

Athens Flying Week 2017: Ελιγμοί με ανεμόπτερο SZD 59 ACRO

Εντυωσιακές φιγούρες στον αέρα με ανεμόπτερο από τον Johan Gustafsson !

Aerial (drone) video - Nissos Samos arriving at Santorini !

The impressive F/B Nissos Samos arriving at the iconic island of Santorini, Greece !

Athens Flying Week 2017: Chinook CH-47D & Huey Αεροπορίας Στρατού

Επίδειξη ελικοπτέρων της Αεροπορίας Στρατού (Chinook & Huey) μαζί με άνδρες της Ζ' ΜΑΚ στο πλαίσιο του Athens Flying Week 2017 !

Athens Flying Week 2017: H εντυπωσιακή επίδειξη του F16 ΖΕΥΣ !

Ελιγμοί που κόβουν την ανάσα από το F16 block 52+ ΖΕΥΣ της Πολεμικής Αεροπορίας κατά τη διάρκεια του Athens Flying Week 2017 !

Athens Flying Week 2017: AH-64D Apache display (PEGASUS demo team)

Εντυπωσιακή ελιγμοί και πτητικές δυνατότητες που κόβουν την ανάσα από το ένα επιθετικό ελικόπτερο AH-64D Αpache της Αεροπορίας Στρατού

Athens Flying Week 2017: H.A.F Canadair CL-415

Πέρασμα και ρίψη ύδατος από ένα Canadair CL215 στα πλαίσια του Athens Flying Week 2017 !

Athens Flying Week 2017: Belgium F16 solo dislpay (Gizmo)

Αεροβατική επίδειξη από το F16 της Πολεμικής Αεροπορίας του Βελγίου με τον "Gizmo" στο cockpit.

Athens Flying Week 2017 : H εκπληκτική επίδειξη των Red Arrows !

To καλύτερο σμήνος επιδείξεων παγκοσμίως σε μια μοναδική επίδειξη με απίστευτους ελιγμούς στο Athens Flying Week 2017 !

Athens Flying Week 2016: HAF Super Puma display

Εντυπωσιακή επίδειξη ενός ελικοπτέρου Έρευνας και Διάσωσης Super Puma, της Ελληνικής Πολεμικής Αεροπορίας, στα πλαίσια του Athenss Flying Week 2016 !

Athens Flying Week 2016: 2xHAF F4 pass

Το σύντομο αλλά εντυπωσιακό πέρασμα ενός ζεύγους Phantom F4 της Πολεμικής Αεροπορίας στη διάρκεια του Athens Flying Week 2016 !

Superferry: Αναχώρηση από Μύκονο με βοριά !


Aerial (drone) video - Superferry leaving Piraeus

To Superferry, της Golden Star Ferries, σε μια από τις πρώτες του αναχωρήσεις από το λιμάνι του Πειραιά.

Aerial (drone) video - F/B Dionysios Solomos leaving Piraeus

To "Διονύσιος Σολωμός" από αέρος σε μια από τις πρώτες του αναχωρήσεις από το λιμάνι του Πειραιά μετά την ολοκλήρωσή της μετασκευής του.

Tera Jet: Άφιξη στη Μυκονο με δυνατό βοριά !

Άφιξή του Tera Jet στο νησί των ανέμων με βοριά που έφτανε τα 7 bf

Aerial (drone) video - Superferry arriving at Piraeus !

Εναέρια πλάνα από το Superferry κατά την πρώτη άφιξη από εμπορικό δρομολόγιο στο λιμάνι του Πειραιά !

Aerial (drone) video - El Venizelos leaving Piraeus port !

Εναέρια πλάνα από το εντυπωσιακό Ε/Γ-Ο/Γ Ελ. Βενιζέλος της ΑΝΕΚ αναχωρώντας από τον Πειραιά σε ένα από τα πρώτα του φετινά ημερήσια δρομολόγια !

Aerial (drone) video - HSC Superrunner arriving at Santorini

Ενάερια λήψη του ταχύπλοου Super Runner, της Golden Star Ferries, φθάνοντας στην εντυπωσιακή και πανέμορφη Σαντορίνη !

Αικατερίνη Π.- Άφιξη στη Μύκονο με δυνατό βοριά !


Νήσος Μύκονος: Αφιξη με βοριά 7Bf στο λιμάνι της Μυκόνου !

Άφιξη με φορτούνα του Νήσος Μύκονος στο ομώνυμο λιμάνι ακολουθούμενο κατά πόδας από το Blue Star 1 !

Superrunner: Αναχώρηση από Μύκονο με 7BF !


Paros Jet: Άφιξη στη Μύκονο με δυνατό βοριά (7BF)

To ελαφρύ ταχύπλοο monohull της Seajets, Paros Jet, παλεύοντας με τα κύματα και με το βοριά της Μυκόνου κατά τη διάρκεια μιας άφιξή του στο νησί ερχόμενο από Παροναξία.

Άφιξη του Highspeed 7 στην Μύκονο από Παροναξία με 7BF βοριά !

Εντυπωσιακή άφιξη του ταχύτατου καταμαράν στο λιμάνι της Μυκόνου με δυνατό βοριά !

Aerial (drone) video - HSC Superrunner leaving Mykonos

HSC Super Runner of Golden Star Ferries filmed from air during a summer departure from the famous island of Mykonos !

Aerial (drone) video - F/B Superferry II leaving Mykonos

Aerial video (another one) of the legendary F/B Superferry II during a summer departure from the port of Mykonos !

Aerial (drone) video - F/B Olympic Champion leaving Patra

Aerial video from the impressive F/B Olympic Champion, of ANEK lines, during a departure from the south port of Patra. Shot with DJI Phantom 3 Professional

Aerial (drone) video - Highspeed 7 leaving Mykonos

Drone video of the fastest catamaran currently sailing in Greece, Highspeed 7, during a departure from the new port of Mykonos

Aerial (drone) video - Aqua Jewel sea trial ! (8-7-17)

To Aqua Jewel πλέει ξανά μετά από χρόνια παροπλισμού, αυτοδύναμο και αναχωρεί από τον Πειραιά για δοκιμαστικό το πρωί της 8ης Ιουλίου του 2017 !

Aerial (drone) video - Flyingcat 5 leaving Poros !

Drone video of the small catamaran Flyingcat 5 leaving the iconic island of Poros, Greece !

Aerial (drone) video - F/B Nissos Mykonos leaving Mykonos port

Εναέρια λήψη του εντυπωσιακού Νήσος Μύκονος σε μια αναχώρησή του από το λιμάνι της Μυκόνου

Aerial (drone) video - Blue Star Delos morning departure

Aerial video of a morning departure of F/B Blue Star Delos, a really beautiful day ! DJI Phantom 3 Professional

Aerial (drone) video - F/B Superferry II leaving Rafina port

Drone video of the legendary ship Superferry II, of Golden Star Ferries, during a departure from the port of Rafina to Andros, Tinos and Mykonos.

Aerial (drone) video - Cosmos arriving at Poros

Drone video του μικρού κρουαζιερόπλοιου Cosmos, της Evermore Cruises, κατά τη διάρκεια μιας πρόσφατης άφιξή του στο λιμάνι του Πόρου.

Aerial (drone) video - F/BSuperferry II arriving at Andros

Drone video of the beautiful F/B Superferry II during her arrival at the island of Andros

Aerial (drone) video - Flyingcat 5 leaving Piraeus port

Drone video of the small catamaran Flyingcat 5 during a morning departure from the port of Piraeus to the islands of Saronic gulf

Aerial (drone) video - F/B Elyros leaving Piraeus port

Drone video of the impressive F/B Elyros (ANEK Lines) during a departure from Piraeus to Chania

Aerial (drone) video - Superferry II arriving at Rafina port

Εναέρια πλάνα του πλήρως ανακαινισμένου Supeferry II σε μια από τις πρώτες του αφίξεις στο λιμάνι της Ραφήνας για το 2017 !

Άφιξη & ρεμέτζο του Superferry στην Άνδρο μέσα από τη γέφυρα - cpt Τάσος Τρέσσος

Βίντεο από μια αφιξη του πολυτελέστατου Superferry στο Γαύριο της Άνδρου μέσα από την φιλόξενη γέφυρά του, με τον καπτα-Τάσο Τρέσσο στη μανούβρα.

Aerial (drone) video - F/B Nissos Rodos leaving Piraeus port

Drone video of the mpressive, japan built, F/B Nissos Rodos,during a departure from the port of Piraeus in a cloudy day. Shot with DJI Phantom 3 Professional

Aerial (drone video) - Speedrunner III leaving Piraeus port

Drone video of the HSC Spedrunner III, of Aegean Speedlines, during one of her departures from the port of Piraeus. Shot with DJI Phantom 3 Professional

Aerial (drone) video - Highspeed 7 leaving Piraeus port

Drone video of HSC Highspeed 7, during her departure from the port of Piraeus to Cyclades. Shot with DJI Phantom 3 Professional

Aerial (drone) video - F/B Olympic Champion arriving at Patra

Drone video of the impressive F/B Olympic Champion, of ANEK lines, during her arrival at the south port of Patra. Shot with DJI Phantom 3 Professional !

Aerial (drone) video - F/B Morocco Star leaving Piraeus port

Drone video of F/B Morocco Star of AML during her departure from the port of Piraeus to Malta. Shot with DJI Phantom 3 Professional

Aerial (drone) video - The shipwreck of Mediterranean Sky

Drone footage from the shipwreck of the cruise ship Mediterranean Sky that for many years rests in Elefsis bay, Greece. Shot with DJI Phantom 3 Professional

Aerial (drone) video - F/B Ionas arriving at Piraeus

F/B Ionas of 2way Ferries filmed from drone during her arrival at the port of Piraeus after her chartering to Esthonia. Shot with DJI Phantom 3 Professional

Aerial (drone) video - Poseidon Hellas leaving Methana

Drone footage of the F/B Poseidon Hellas (owned by 2way Ferries) during her departure from the port of Methana to Aegina and Piraeus. Shot with DJI Phantom 3 Professional

Aerial (drone) video - F/B Adamantios Korais leaving Piraeus

Drone video of F/B "Adamantios Korais" of Zante Ferries during one of her departures to Cyclades from the port of Piraeus. Shot with DJI Phantom 3 Professional

Aerial (drone) video - Ro/Ro Pelagitis leaving Piraeus port

Aerial footage from Ro/Ro Pelagitis, of Aeinaftis N.E, during one of her departures from the port of Piraeus, Greece. Shot with DJI Phantom 3 Professional !

Speedrunner IV - Aerial compilation !

Compilation of aerial (drone) footage from the impressive monohull Speedrunner IV in Greece. Shot with DJI Phantom 3 Professional

Aerial (drone) video - Agios Nektarios leaving PIraeus port

Drone video of the small F/B Agios Nektarios during one of her daily departures from the port of Piraeus to Aegina. Shot with DJI Phantom 3 Professional !

Aerial (drone) video - Celebrity Constellation leaving Piraeus port

Drone video of the Millenium-class cruise ship, Celebrity Constellation, during one of her summer departures from the port of Piraeus, Greece. Shot with DJI Phantom 3 Professional

Drone trip in Santorini - Pyrgos

Drone flight over the the iconic Pyrgos, at the island of Santorini. Shot with DJI Phantom 3 Professional.

Aerial (drone) video - F/B Nissos Mykonos leaving Piraeus

Εναέρια πλάνα από το πανέμορφο και άκρως εντυπωσιακό Νήσος Μύκονος κατά τη διάρκεια μιας αναχώρησής του από τον χειμωνιάτικο Πειραιά. Λήψη με DJI Phantom 3 Professional

Aerial (drone) video - Apollon Hellas leaving Piraeus !

Drone video από το πλοίο Απόλλων Ελλάς ένα ηλιόλουστο πρωινό του περασμένου Δεκεμβρίου σε μια από τις καθημερινές αναχωρήσεις του για τον Αργοσαρωνικό ! Η λήψη έγινε με το DJI Phantom 3 Professional

Aerial (drone) video - Flying Dolphin 29 leaving Piraeus port

Drone video of Flying Dolphin 29, of Hellenic Seaways, during one of its daily departures to the islands of the Saronic gulf last December ! Shot with DJI Phantom 3 Professional

Aerial (drone) video - F/B Prince arriving at the port of Piraeus

Drone video του νέο πλοίου της Africa Morocco Link, Morocco Star (ex Prince) κατά την άφιξή του στον Πειραιά τα ξημερώματα της 27ης; Δεκεμβρίου ώστε να παραδοθεί στη νέα του εταιρεία και να ξεκινήσουν οι απαραίτητες εργασίες πριν την έναρξη των δρομολογίων του !

Aerial (drone) video - Flyingcat 4 leaving Piraeus port

Drone video of the small but beautiful catamaran Flyingcat 4, of Hellenic Seaways, leaving the port of Piraeus from one of her daily trips to islands of Saronic gulf. Shot with DJI Phantom 3 Professional

Aerial (drone) video - Norwegian Spirit leaving Piraeus (30-8-2016)

Drone video of the departure of cruise ship Norwegian Spirit from the port of Piraeus, Greece, on August 30, 2016 Shot with DJI Phantom 3 Professional

Aerial (drone) video - Ro/Ro Nearchos leaving Piraeus !

Ro/Ro Nearchos, a small but beautiful vessel that was recently rebuilt, filmed from drone during one of her departures from the port of Piraeus to Cyclades ! Shot with DJI Phantom 3 Professional

Aerial (drone) video - F/B Foivos arriving at Piraeus port

F/B Foivos, of Nova Ferries, filmed from drone during one of its daily arrivals at the port of Piraeus on May 15th, 2016. Shot with DJI Phantom 3 Professional

Aerial (drone) video - Mein Schiff 3 leaving Piraeus port

Drone video of the impressive cruise ship, Mein Schiff 3 of TUI Cruises, leaving from the port of Piraeus ! Shot with DJI Phantom 3 Professional !

Aerial (drone) video - Poseidon Hellas leaving Piraeus port

Drone video of F/B Poseidon Hellas, during another departure from the port of Piraeus, to the island of Aegina, on December 11th, 2016. Shot with DJI Phantom 3 Professional

Aerial (drone) video - F/B Elyros arriving at Piraeus

Drone video of F/B Elyros, an impressive japanese built ship currently owned by ANEK Lines, during one of its least morning arrivals, at the dawn of December 11th, 2016. Shot with DJI Phantom 3 Professional !

Aerial (drone ) video - Norwegian Jade leaving Piraeus

Flying with drone above NCL's Norwegian Jade and very close to its impressive bow during her departure from the port of Piraeus on October 19, 2016 ! Shot with DJI Phantom 3 Professional

Aerial (drone) video - Νέος Μώλος Δραπετσώνας

Πτήση με drone πάνω από τον γεμάτο με πλοία Νέο Μώλο Δραπετσώνας. Μεταξύ πολλών άλλων βρίσκουμε αραγμένο εκεί το "δικό μας" Εξπρές Σαντορίνη, λίγες μόνον ημέρες πριν αναχωρήσει για πάντα από το Αιγαίο έπειται από 23 χρόνια παρουσίας, ως αποτέλεσμα της πώλησής του σε εταιρεία του εξωτερικού. Η λήψη έγινε με το DJI Phantom 3 Professional

Aerial (drone) video - Piraeus Port full of ships during strike (3-12-16)

Εναέρια πλάνα από το λιμάνι του Πειραιά το οποίο λόγω της απεργίας των ναυτικών ήταν γεμάτο πλοία. Μια όμορφη και συνάμα ασυνήθιστη σε γενικές γραμμές εικόνα ! Aerial footage from the Piraeus port full of ship due to the strike of December 3rd, 2016 DJI Phantom 3 Professional

Aerial (drone) video - Knossos Palace leaving Piraeus

Impressive drone footage from H/S/F Knossos Palace during her first daily departure to Heraclion, after her dry docking , on November19, 2016 ! Close flight to ship's impressive bow with DJI Phantom 3 Professional !

Aerial (drone) video - F/B Ionis leaving Piraeus port

F/B Ionis, of Leve Ferries, filmed from drone during one of her daily departures to the island of Aegina ! Shot with DJI Phantom 3 Professional

Aerial (drone) video - MS Koningsdam leaving Piraeus port

Flying with drone above and very close to the impressive and very beautiful cruise ship, MS Koningsdam, of Holland America Line, during one of her departures from the port of Piraeus in a magicall sunset ! Shot last October wit DJI Phantom 3 Professional

Drone trip in Santorini - Fira

Aerial video from the town of Fira at the island of Santorini (Thira), Greece. A magical view of the caldera (the coast of the island) during the world famous sunset !

Aerial (drone) video - Panagia Agiassou & Makedonia abandoned ships

Εναέρια πλάνα από τα πλοία Παναγία Αγιάσσου και Μακεδονία (πρών Mami) τα οποία βρίσκονται εδώ και χρόνια εγκαταλελειμένα στη ράδα του Πειραιά σε σχετικά μικρή απόσταση από τις ακτές της Σαλαμίνας Η λήψη έγινε με το DJI Phantom 3 Professional.

Aerial (drone) video - Flyingcat 6 leaving Piraeus port

The small but beautiful catamaran "Flyingcat 6", of Hellenic Seaways, filmed from drone during one of its daily departures from the port of Piraeus Shot with DJI Phantom 3 Professional

Aerial (drone) video - Costa neoClassica leaving Piraeus port

Drone footage from the beautiful cruise ship, Costa neoClassica during one of her departures from the port of Piraeus with heavy clouds and quite strong wind ! Shot with DJI Phantom 3 Professional

Aerial (drone) video - Flying Dolphin "Athina" leaving Piraeus port

Flying at the Saronic gulf along with the beautiful F/D "Athina" of Aegean Flying Dolphins during one of her daily departures from the port of Piraeus to Aegina ! Shot with DJI Phantom 3 Professional

Aerial (drone) video - F/B Blue Star Patmos leaving Piraeus port

Drone video of the beautiful F/B Blue Star Delos, during one of her departure from the port of Piraeus a cloudy afternoon of September. Shot with DJI Phantom 3 Professional

Aerial (drone) video - Flyingcat 4 arriving at Piraeus port

Ένα σύντομο εναέριο βίντεο με τον κατάπλου του Flyingcat 4 στον Πειραιά το απόγευμα της 29ης Οκτωβρίου 2016, περνώντας κοντά από την πρύμη του Costa neoRiviera που μου μόλις είχε αναχωρήσει

Aerial (drone) video - Superjet arriving at the port of Piraeus

Drone video of the beautiful catamaran, Superjet, currently owned by Seajets, during one of its daily arrivals at the port of Piraeus. Shot on September 8th, 2016 with DJI Phantom 3 Professional

Aerial (drone) video - Flying above Patra's new port !

Aerial "walk" above the new port of Patra with drone. At that time there were 4 ships anchored: 1. Superfast II 2.Euroferry Olympia 3.Cruise Olympia 4. Hellenic Spirit Shot with DJI Phantom 3 Professional !

Aerial (drone) video - Blue Star Naxos arriving at Piraeus port !

Aerial footage of F/B Blue Star Naxos arriving at the port of Piraeus on the afternoon of September 8th 2016. Shot with DJI Phantom 3 Professional

Aerial (drone) video - Olympic Champion arriving at Piraeus port

F/B Olympic Champion, of ANEK Lines filmed from drone during its arrival at the port of Piraeus on October 17 2016, in windy conditions ! Shot with DJI Phantom 3 Proferssional 4k !

Aerial (drone) video - Celestyal Nefeli leaving Piraeus port !

Aerial footage of MV Celestyal Crystal, of Celestyal Cruises, during one of her first departures from the port of Piraeus ! Shot with DJI Phantom 3 Professional 4K


M/S Eurodam filmed from drone during its departure from the port of Piraeus on October 1st 2016. Shot with DJI Phantom 3 Professional 4K !

Aerial (drone) video - Nissos Samos arriving at Piraeus (4K ! )

Nissos Samos, of Hellenic Seaways, filmed from drone during its arrival at the port of Piraeus on sunset of September 24th 2016. Shot with DJI Phantom 3 Professional 4k !

Aerial (drone) video - F/B El. Venizelos returning to Greece !

Eleftherios Venizelos filmed from drone during its arrival back to Greece after its chartering to "Africa Moroco Line" for some months ! Το Ελευθέριος Βενιζέλος φτάνει στον Πειραιά μετά από την ολιγόμηνη ναύλωσή του στην AML DJI Phantom 3 Professional !

Aerial (drone) video - Champion Jet 2 arriving at Piraeus port

Flying with drone very close to impressive catamaran Champion Jet 2, of Seajets, during one of its last arrivals at the port of Piraeus for 2016. Shot with DJI Phantom 3 Professional !

Aerial (drone) video - Queen Victoria and Club Med 2 at Santorini

Aerial footage of two beautiful cruise ships, Club Med 2 and Queen Victoria moored at the old port of Santorini, between the impressive coast (Caldera) and the Volcano !!! Shot with DJI Phantom 3 Professional

Aerial (drone) video - Speedrunner IV leaving Piraeus port (11/9/2016) !

Drone video of one of the most beautiful monohull jet ferries on Greece, leaving Piraeus port for another trip to Cyclades ! Shot with DJI Phantom 3 Professional

Aerial (drone) video - Flying over the town of Rodos and its port (4K resolution)

Flying with drone over the town of Rodos and its port in which there were morred 4 ships: 1. Blue Star 2 2. Blue Star Paros 3. Celebrity Reflection 4. Celestyal Olympia Shot with DJI Phantom 3 Professional

Aerial (drone) video - Blue Star Patmos leaving Piraeus port (4K Resolution ! )

Aerial video of F/B Blue Star Patmos, during its departure from the port of Piraeus on July 3rd 2016. 4K resolution for full detail ! Shot with DJI Phantom 3 Professional

Athens Flying Week 2016: Belgian F-16 solo display !

A Belgian F-16 fighting jet performing a great display during Athens Flying Week 2016 air show, at the base of 114 Combat Wing, at Tanagra !

Aerial (drone) view - Highspeed 4 arriving at Piraeus port (3/8/2016)

Aerial footage of Highspeed 4, owned by Hellenic Seaways, during its arrival at the port of Piraeus, Greece, on August 3rd, 2016. Shot with DJI Phantom 3 Professional

Athens Flying Week: Hellenic Navy S-70 Aegean Hawk helicopter !

A Sikorsky S-70 "Aegean Hawk" of Hellenic Navy along with a team of Special Forces performing an impressive display during Athens Flying Week 2016 at 114 Combat Wing, Tanagra

Athens Flying Week 2016: SUKHOI 26MX "drifting" on the runway !

A short clip of the DUTCH RUSH AEROBATICS SUKHOI 26MX, with pilot FRANK VAN HOUTEN, giving a "drift-like" show just after its landing !

Athens Flying Week 2016: 2 x HAF Mirage 2000-5

A couple of Mirage 2000-5 of Hellenic Air Force performing an impressive display during Athens Flying Week 2016, at 114 Combat Wing base, Tanagra, Greece !

Athens Flying Week 2016 - Hellenic F16 "Zeus" Demo team !

F16 Zeus, of Hellenic Air Force Demo team performing an outstanding display during Athens Flying Week 2016. To F16 Ζευς της Ελληνικής πολεμικής αεροπορίας σε ένα μοναδικό σόου στην 114 Πτέρυγα Μάχης στο πλαίσιο του Athens Flying Week 2016 !

Aerial (drone) video - Highspeed 6 arriving at Santorini

Aerial footage of HSC Highspeed 6, during one of its summer arrivals at the iconic island of Santorini ! Shot with DJI Phantom 3 Professional !

Aerial (drone) video - Fast Ferries Andros arriving at Rafina port

Drone video of F/B Fast Ferries Andros during one its summer arrivals at the port of Rafina on sunset ! Shot with DJI Phantom 3 Professional

Aerial (drone) video - F/B Prevelis arriving at Piraeus port (29/8/2016)

One of the most travelled greek ferries, F/B Prevelis, filmed from drone during its arrival at the port of Piraeus, Greece, on August 29, 2016. Shot with DJI Phantom 3 Professional !

Aerial (drone) video - Highspeed 7 departure from Santorini

Drone footage of the reconstructed Highspeed 7 (ex. Highspeed 5) of Hellenic Seaways, during its departure from the port of Santorini, Greece. Shot with DJI Phantom 3 Professional

Aerial compilation of the new F/B Superferry !

Σύνθεση εναέριων πλάνων της πορείας του νέου πλοίου της Golden Star Ferries, από την ημέρα που μπήκε για πρώτη φορά στη δεξαμενή, τον αποδεξαμενισμό του, το πρώτο του και δεύτερο δοκιμαστικό πλου και φυσικά ένα από τα πρώτα του δρομολόγια στη γραμμή του !

Aerial (drone) video - F/B Blue Star Delos leaving Santorini (22/08/2016)

Drone footage of the luxurious F/B Blue Star Delos during her departure from the island of Santorini. We had the chance to film the ship passing between Caldera (the impressive island coast) and the volcano and also close to Celebrity Equinox which was anchored nearby. Shot with DJI Phantom 3 Professional !

Aerial (drone) video - Hellenic Highspeed arriving at Santorini (23/08/2016)

Aerial video of the beautiful HSC Hellenic Highspeed during its arrival at the port of Santorini, Greece, in front of the impressive coast (Caldera) of the island ! Shot with DJI Phantom 3 Professional

Aerial (drone) video - MasterJet arriving at Piraeus port (29/08/2016)

HSC MasterJet, currently owned by Seajets, filmed from drone during one of its daily arrivals at Piraeus port. In this flight, as the weather was very good we had the chance to fly very close to its extraordinary bow !

Aerial (drone) view - Blue Star Delos arriving at Santorini

Aerial footage of F/B Blue Star Delos arriving at the port of Santorini on August 23, 2016, in front of the volcano and the iconic coast (Caldera) of the island !

Aerial (drone) video - Highspeed 7 arriving at Santorini

HSC Highspeed 7, filmed from drone during its arrival at Athinios port, in Santorini on August 24 2016. Shot with DJI Phantom 3 Professional

Aerial (drone) video - Thomson Dream leaving Piraeus port (3/8/2016)

Cruise ship "Thomson Dream" filmed from drone during its departure from the port of Piraeus on August 3rd, 2016. Shot with DJI Phantom 3 Professional.

Drone trips in Greece - Aerial walk above Nafplion !

Πτήση πάνω από την πανέμορφη παλαιά πόλη του Ναυπλίου και γνωστά αξιοθέατα όπως το Μπούρτζι αλλά και το φρούριο του Παλαμηδίου. Διακρίνονται ακόμη τα γραφικά σοκάκια, η παλαιά Βουλή αλλά και η πλατεία Συντάγματος !

Aerial (drone) video - Blue Galaxy leaving Piraeus port

Drone flight above the impressive F/B Blue Galaxy of Blue Star Ferries and very close to its bow andd bridge, during one of its daily departures from the port of Piraeus, Greece.

Aerial (drone) video - Blue Star 1 arriving at Piraeus (1/8/2016)

Drone footage of F/B Blue Star 1 while arriving at Piraeus with very close flight to its bow and bridge. Shot with DJI Phantom 3 Professional.

Aerial (drone) video - Superfast XII leaving Piraeus (1/8/2016)

Flyting with drone very close to one of fastest and most beautiful ferries that currently sail in the Aegean Sea ! Superfast XII, of Superfast Ferries during its departure from the port of Piraeus on August 1st, 2016. Shot with DJI Phantom 3 Professional.

Aerial (drone) video - F/B Blue Horizon arriving at Piraeus (23-6-2016)

F/B Blue Horizon filmed from drone during its arrival at the port of Piraeus, Greece, on the dawn pf 23rd June 2016 Shot with DJI Phantom 3 Professional 4k !

Aerial (drone) video - F.B Knossos Palace arriving at Piraeus port (29-5-16)

Aerial video from one of the fastest and most luxurious ships, Knossos Palace, of Minoan Lines, during her arrival at the port of Piraeus, on the dawn of May 29th 2016 ! Shot with DJI Phantom 3 Professional

Aerial (drone) video - F/B Myrtidiotissa leaving from Ag.Konstantinos

F/B Myrtidiotissa, currently owned by Aqua Ferries, filmed from drone during its departure from the port of Agios Konstantinos on July 24 2016. Shot with DJI Phantom 3 Professional

Aerial (drone) video - F/B Nissos Samos leaving Piraeus port (4/8/2016)

F/B Nissos Samos, of Hellenic Seaways, filmed from drone during its departure from the port of Piraeus on July 4th 2016. Shot with DJI Phantom 3 Professional !

Aerial (drone) video - Superfast II leaving Patras Port

F/B Superfast II, filmed from drone during its departure from the port of port of Patra on July 1st 2016 Shot with DJI Phantom 3 Professional

Aerial (drone) video - Nissos Mykonos leaving Piraeus port (23/7/2016)

F/B Nissos Mykonos, filmed from drone during its departure from the port of Piraeus, Greece, on July 23rd, 2016. Shot with DJI Phantom 3 Professional

Aerial (drone) video - F/B Poseidon Hellas arriving at Poros

F/B Poseidon Hellas, currently owned by 2way Ferries, filmed from drone during a recent approach at the iconic island of Poros

Aerial (drone) video - Night flight over Piraeus port and the new F/B Nissos Samos

A short night flight over the port of Piraeus, Greece, in which we see the cruise ship Silver Spirit, F/B Festos Palace and the new ship of Hellenic Seaways, F/B Nissos Samos. This is the very first time that a ship with that name (Nissos Samos) comes to our port. Shot with DJI Phantom 3 Professional.

Aerial (drone) video - The new F/B Superferry !

F/B Superferry, of Golden Star ferries, filmed from drone during one of its daily trips to Andros-Tinos-Mykonos. Shot with DJI Phantom 3 Professional

Aerial (drone) video - F/B Blue Star 2 arriving at Rhodes

F/B Blue Star 2, of Blue Star Ferries, filmed from drone during one of its recent arrivals at the port of Rhodes, Greece. Shot with DJI Phantom 3 Professional.

Aerial (drone) video - F/B Kriti I leaving Piraeus port

F/B Kriti 1 filmed from drone during its departure from the port of Piraeus on July 11, 2016. Shot with DJI Phantom 3 Professional.

Aerial (drone) video - Superferry II leaving Rafina port

Superferry II, currently owned by Golden Star Ferries, filmed from drone during one of its recent departures from the port of Rafina. Shot with DJI Phantom 3 Professional 4K

Aerial (drone) video - Cruise ship "Oosterdam" leaving Piraeus on 11/6/2016

Cruise ship Oosterdam, of Holland American Line, filmed drone druing its departure from the port of Piraeus on June 11, 2016. Shot with DJI Phantom 3 Professional 4K.

Aerial (drone) video - Superfast II arriving at the port of Patra

F/B Superfast II, of Superfast Ferries, filmed from drone during its arrival at the port of Patra, on July 1st 2016. Shot with DJI Phantom 3 Professional

Aerial (drone) video - F/B Blue Galaxy arriving at Piraeus (29-06-2016)

F/B Blue Galaxy, currently owned by Blue Star Ferries, filmed from drone during its recent arrival at the port of Piraeus on June 29,2016. Shot with DJI Phantom 3 Professional

Aerial (drone) video - F/B Andreas Kalvos arriving at Piraeus port

F/B Andreas Kalvos, of Zante Ferries, filmed from drone during one of its recent arrivals at the port of Piraeus. Shot with DJI Phantom 3 Professional

Aerial (drone) view - F/B Agios Nektarios leaving Piraeus port

F/B Agios Nektarios, a small vessel with decades of service in greek waters, filmed from drone during on of its daily departures from the port of Piraeus. Shot with DJI Phantom 3 Professional

Aerial (drone) video - F/B Kydon arriving at Piraeus (03/07/2016)

F/B Kydon, of ANEK Lines, filmed from drone during its afternnon arrival at the port of Piraeus on July 3rd, 2016. Shot with DJI Phantom 3 Professional !

Aerial (drone) video - F/B Ariadne leaving Piraeus (26/6/2016)

F/B Ariadne filmed from drone during its departure from the port of Piraeus on June 26, 2016

Aerial (drone) video - Blue Horizon leaving Piraeus (21/06/2016)

F/B Blue Horizon, of Blue Star Ferries, filmed from drone during its departure from the port of Piraeus on June 21st 2016. Shot with DJI Phantom 3 Professional

Aerial( drone) video - F/B Foivos leaving Poros island ! (19-6-16)

F/B Foivos, of Nova Ferries, filmed from drone during its departure from the island of Poros on June 19th, 2016.

Aerial (drone) video) - Highspeed 6 arriving at Piraeus port (15-6-2016)

HSC Highspeed 6, of Hellenic Seaways, filmed from drone during its arrival at the port of Piraeus on June 15th, 2016. Shot with DJI Phantom 3 Professional.

Aerial (drone) video - Superferry maiden arrival at Piraeus (22/6/2016)

F/B Superferry, of Golden Star Ferries, filmed from drone during its maiden arrival at the port of Piraeus only a few days before starting its scheduled daily trips. Shot with DJI Phantom 3 Professional !

Aerial (drone) video - Blue Star Patmos arriing at Piraeus (01/06/2016

F/B Blue Star Patmos filmed from drone during its arrival at the port of Piraeus on June 1st 2016. Shot with DJI Phantom 3 Professional

Aerial (drone) video - F/B Foivos arriving at Poros (19/6/2016)

F/B Foivos, of Nova Ferries, filmed from drone during its approach at the iconic island of Poros on June 19, 2016. Shot with DJI Phantom 3 Professional.

Aerial (drone) video - Blue Star 1 leaving Piraeus (12/6/2016)

F/B Blue Star 1 filmed from drone during its departure from the port of Piraeus on June 12th 2016 Shot with DJI Phantom 3 Professional 4K

Aerial (drone) video - Cruise ship Celebrity Reflection leaving Piraeus

Celebrity Reflection, one of the largest ships of Celebrity Cruises, filmed from drone during its departure from Piraeus port on June 10th 2016. Shot with DJI Phantom 3 Professional

Aerial (drone) video - Superfast XII departure from Piraeus (1/6/2016)

F/B Superfast XII, owned by Superfast Ferries, filmed from drone during its departure from the port of Piraeus on June 1st 2016. Shot with DJI Phantom 3 Professional

Aerial (drone) video - Piraeus port full of cruise ships (11/06/2016)

Drone video from the port of Piraeus, Greece shot with DJI Phantom 3 Professional. On June 11th, there were 7 cruise ships moored in the port: 1. Royal Princess 2.Celebrity Equinox 3. Sea Cloud 4. Royal clipper 5. Star Clipper 6.Silver Spirit 7. Oosterdam

Aerial (drone) video - Nissos Rodos leaving Piraeus port (2/6/2016)

F/B Nissos Rodos, of Hellenic Seaways, filmed from drone during its departure from Piraeus port on June 2nd 2016.

Aerial (drone) video - F/B Blue Star 2 arriving at Piraeus

Morning arrival of Blue Star 2 at the port of Piraeus. Shot with thwe DJI Phantom 3 Professional

Aerial (drone) video - Knossos Palace leaving Piraeus (5/6/2016)

F/B Knossos Palace, one of the fastest and most luxurious ferries in Europe filmed from drone during its night departure from the port of Piraeus, on June 5th 2016. The ship is owned by Minoan Lines. Shot with DJI Phantom 3 Professional

Aerial (drone) view - Highspeed 7 maiden arrival at the port of Piraeus (6/6/2016)

Highspeed 7 (ex. Highspeed 5), of Hellenic Seaways, filmed from drone during its maiden arrival at the port of Piraeus. This great ship was being rebuilt for almsost a year after a large fire on one of its main engines (on March 2015) that almost destroyed it completely. Now, fully renewed and more luxury that before is ready to serve again in the Aegean Sea !

Aerial (drone) view - Blue Star Naxos departure from Piraeus (2/6/16)

F/B Blue Star Naxos filmed from drone during its departure, of June 2nd 2016, from the port of Piraeus, Greece

Aerial (drone) view - Speedrunner IV arriving at Piraeus on 1/6/2016

HSC Speedrunner IV, of Aegean Speedlines filmed from drone during its arrival at the port of Piraeus on the evening of June 1st, 2016

Aerial (drone) view - Night flight above Piraeus #2 (4K resolution)

Our second night flight above the beautiful city of Piraeus. 4k video shot with DJI Phantom 3 Professional !

Aerial (drone) view - Highspeed 4 leaving Piraeus port

HSC Highspeed 4, currently owned by Hellenic Seaways, filmed from drone during its departure on 28/05/2016. Shot with DJI Phantom 3 Professional

Aerial (drone) view - Blue Star Delos leaving Piraeus Port

F/B Blue Star Delos, currently owned by Blue Star Ferries, filmed from drone during a recent departure from the port of Piraeus. Shot with DJI Phantom 3 Professional

Aerial (drone) view - Royal Clipper leaving Piraeus port

Cruise ship Royal Clipper, the beautiful and largest sailing vessel in the world filmed from drone during its recent departure from the port of Piraeus on sunset ! Shot with DJI Phantom 3 Professional

Aerial (drone) view - Superferry first sea trial

F/B Superferry, of Golden Star Ferries, filmed from drone during its return from the 1st sea trial since it came to Greece Shot with DJI Phantom 3 Professional

Aerial (drone) view - MSC Magnifica leaving Piraeus

Cruise ship MSC Magnifica, filmed from drone during its departure from the port of Piraeus on May 2016. Shot with DJI Phantom 3 Professional

Aerial (drone) view - F/B Ariadne leaving Piraeus port on sunset !

F/B Ariadne, a really beautiful ship, currently owned by Hellenic Seaways, filmed from drone during one of its recent departures from the port of Piraues. Summer is closing and the sky was really awesome Shot with DJI Phantom 3 Professional

Aerial (drone) view - Night flight above Piraeus (part 1)

Night flight above Piraeus and Drapetsona with DJI Phantom 3 Professional

Aerial (drone) view - Superfast XII arriving at the port of Piraeus

F/B Superfast XII, currently owned by Superfast Ferries, filmed from drone during its recent arrival at the port of Piraeus. Shot with DJI Phantom 3 Professional 4k

Aerial (drone) view - F/B Vitsentzos Kornaros leaving Piraeus port

F/B Vitsentzos Kornaros currently owned by LANE Sea Lines, fiolmed from drone during of its recent departures from the port of Piraeus, Greece Shot with DJI Phantom 3 Professional

Aerial (drone) view - HSC Champion Jet 2 arriving at Piraeus port

HSC Champion Jet 2, of Seajets, filmed from drone during its recent arrival at the port of Piraeus. Shot with DJI Phantom 3 Professional

Aerial (drone) view - Superferry sailiing off the drydock

F/B Superferry, the new ship of Golden Star Ferries sailing off the drydock of Piraeus. Shot with DJI Phantom 3 Professional

Aerial (drone) view - Ovation of the Seas arriving at Piraeus

The giant cruise ship Ovation of the Seas, 348meters long, filmed from drone during its first arrival at the port of Piraeus, Greece Shot with DJI Phantom 3 Professional

Aerial (drone) view - Cruise ship Wind Star leaving Piraeus port

Cruise ship, Wind Star, filmed from drone during its recent departure from the port of Piraeus. Shot with DJI Phantom 3 Professional 4k

Aerial (drone) view - Blue Star Patmos entering Piraeus port

To Blue Star Patmos τραβηγμένο με drone κατά την είσοδό του στο λιμάνι του Πειραιά και th μεθόρμηση στη θέση πρόσδεσής του. Από την κάμερα του DJI Phantom 3 Professional.

Drone trips in Mykonos - Άνω Μερά (Ano Mera)

Μια σύντομη πτήση με drone πάνω από το γραφικό οικισμό της Άνω Μεράς Μυκόνου, η οποία βρίσκεται περίπου στο μέσο του νησιού σε απόσταση περίπου 8 χλμ από τη Χώρα. Στο κέντρο της κοινότητας δεσπόζει η μονή της Παναγίας Τουρλιανής η οποία ιδρύθηκε στα μέσα του 16ου αιώνα μΧ και έχει πλούσια ιστορία αλλά και καθοριστική συμβολή στην ανάπτυξη της τοπικής κοινωνίας. -- Α short drone flight above Ano Mera, Mykonos which is located at a distance about 8km far from Chora. In the center of this small village the visitor will found the monastery of Panagia Tourliani which has great history and was founded in the middle og the 16th century.

Aerial (drone) view - Cruise ship Celestyal Olympia leaving Piraeus port

Cruise ship Celestyal Olympia, owned by Celestyal cruises filmed from drone during one of its recent departures from the port of Piraeus

Aerial (drone) view - Superferry in drydock

F/B Superferry, currently owned by Golden Star Ferries filmed from drone during its drydocking at Piraeus. The ship was at that time at its final construction stage before getting to service.

Aerial (drone) view - F/B Diagoras arriving at Piraeus port

F/B Diagoras, currently owned by Blue Star Ferries filmed from drone during its recent arrival at the port of Piraeus

Aerial (drone) view - Piraeus port full of ships during strike

Piraeus port filmed from drone. Due to a general strike many ships were forced to remain in port which is a bit unusual

Aerial (drone) view - MSC Orchestra leaving Piraeus port

Cruise ship MSC Orchestra filmed from drone during one of its recent departures from the port of Piraeus, Greece

Aerial (drone) view - F/B Vitsentzos Kornaros leaving Piraeus port

F/B Vitsentzos Kornaros, currently owned by LANE Sea Lines, filmed from drone during one of its recent departures from the port of Piraeus.

Drone trip in Mykonos - Χώρα & Μικρή Βενετία (Chora & Little Venice)

Μικρή αλλά με τεράστια ιστορία σε βάθος αιώνων αλλά και σύγχρονη, κοσμοπολίτικη αλλά και απολύτως παραδοσιακή...Με μια λέξη, μοναδική ! Η Χώρα της Μυκόνου μαζί με τη Μικρή Βενετία (Αλευκάντρα) αποτελούν δύο από τα ομορφότερα (αν όχι τα ομορφότερα) σημεία του διάσημου νησιού που κάθε χρόνο υποδέχεται δεκάδες χιλιάδες επισκέπτες. Πετάξτε μαζί μας και απολαύστε τη ! --- A small town but with great history, famous cosmopolitan but also traditional...With one word, unique ! Follow us on a flight above Chora of Mykonos and Little Venice !

Drone trip in Mykonos - Φάρος Αρμενιστής (Armenistis lighthouse)

Πλάνα με drone από τον φάρο Αρμενιστή της Μυκόνου. Ένα πραγματικό σύμβολο του νησιού με τεράστια ιστορία και ένα από τα μεγαλύτερα τεχνολογικά επιτεύγματα της εποχής του.

Aerial (drone) view - F/B Superferry II arriving at the port of Mykonos

F/B Superferry, the legendary ship currenlty owned by Golden Star Ferries filmed from drone during its approach at the new port of Mykonos (Tourlos)

Drone trip in Mykonos - Άη Γιάννης (SaintJohn)

To πρώτο μέρος από μια σειρά σύντομων πτήσεων πάνω τον κόλπο του Αη Γιάννη του Διακόφτη στην Μύκονο. First part of a flight series above the beautiful island of Mykonos. Today we filmed the bay of Saint John.

Aerial (drone) view - F/B Nissos Rodos leaving Piraeus port

F/B Nissos Rodos, of Hellenic Seaways, filmed from drone during its departure from the port of Piraeus.

Aerial (drone) view - F/B Blue Galaxy arriving at Piraeus port

F/B Blue Galaxy, of Blue Star Ferries fdilmed from drone, during its arrival at the port of Piraeus.

Aerial (drone) view - Highspeed 4 arriving at Piraeus

High Speed 4, of Hellenic Seaways, filmed from drone during its arrival at the port of Piraeus.

Aerial (drone) view - Thomson Spirit leaving Piraeus port

Cruise ship Thomson Spirit filmed from drone during its departure from the Port of Piraeus

Aerial (drone) view) - Knossos Palace arriving at the port of Piraeus

F/B Knossos Palace of Minoan Lines arriving at the Port of Piraeus. Το Κνωσός Παλάς κατά την άφιξη του στον Πειραιά, στο πρώτο του ημερήσιο δρομολόγιο για το 2016.

Aerial (drone) view - Festos Palace leaving Piraeus port

High speed ferry, Festos Palace, of Minoan Lines filmed from drone during its departure from the port of Piraeus. Η αναχώρηση του Φαιστός Παλας από το λιμάνι του Πειραιά για το πρώτο του ημερήσιο δρομολόγιο τραβηγμένη με drone.

Aerial (drone) view - HSC Speedrunner IV leaving Piraeus port

HSC Speedrunned IV of Aegean Speedlines filmed from drone during its departure from the Port of Piraeus .

Aerial (drone) view - F/B Adamantios Korais leaving Piraeus port

F/B Adamantios Korais of Zante Ferries, filmed from my drone during its departure from the port of Piraeus

Aerial (drone) view - Blue Star Naxos arriving at Piraeus

F/B Blue Star Naxos during filmed during one of its approaches at the port of Piraeus. Μια από τις πρόσφατες μεσημεριανές αφίξεις του Blue Star Naxos στο λιμάνι του Πειραιά μέσα από την κάμερα του DJI Phantom 3 Professional

Aerial (drone) view - Blue Star 2 leaving Piraeus port

H αναχώρηση του Blue Star 2 από το λιμάνι του Πειραιά το απόγευμα της 10ης Απριλίου 2016 μέσα από την κάμερα του DJI Phantom 3 Professional . The departure of F/B Blue Star 2 from Piraeus port (Greece) from the camera of a DJI Phantom 3 Professional

Aerial (drone) view - Drapetsona and containers terminal

Πτήση με το DJI Phantom 3 Professional πάνω από το νέο μώλο Δραπετσώνας και το containers terminal της Cosco.

Aerial video - Poseidon Hellas approaching the port of Piraeus

Flight over the small F/B Poseidon Hellas, of 2way ferries, during its approach at Piraeus port. Προσέγγιση του Ποσειδών Ελλάς τραβηγμένη από το Phantom 3 Professional www.facebook.com/photolabgr

Aerial video - Nissos Mykonos leaving the port of Piraeus

To επιβατηγό Νήσος Μύκονος της Hellenic Seaways κατά την αναχώρησή του από το λιμάνι του Πειραιά. F/B Nissos Mykonos leaving the port of Piraeus.

Flying over F/D 17 and Georgios Broufas 2

Σύντομη πτήση πάνω από το Flying Dolphin 17 και το Γεώργιος Μπρούφας 2

Drone video - Paris JR container ship leaving Piraeus

Drone video - Paris JR, container ship leaving Piraeus port

Aerial video - Ionis arriving at Piraeus port

F/B Ionis approaching the port of Piraeus. Drone video, shot with DJI Phantom 3 Professional.

Aerial Video - Superfast XII leaving Piraeus port

Aerial video (shot with my DJI Phantom 3 Professional) from the moment that F/B Superfast XII is leaving the port of Piraeus.

Aerial video - Blue Star Patmos arriving at Piraeus

Εναέρια λήψη του πλοίου Blue Star Patmos κατά την προσέγγισή του στο λιμάνι του Πειραιά Aerial video of Blue Star Patmos approaching Piraeus port shot with DJI Phantom 3 Professional

Aerial view of Blue Star Paros leaving Piraeus port - DJI Phantom 3 Professional


Viking Sea leaving Piraeus port aerial view - Αναχώρηση Viking Sea
